After winning the Rajasthan Assembly elections, Bharatiya Janata Party has started preparing for the Lok Sabha elections. The meeting of party leaders has started. In this sequence, on Friday, a big meeting of BJP was held at Hotel Rajsthali in the capital Jaipur. In this meeting, Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma, State Party President CP Joshi, Rajasthan in-charge Arun Singh, Chhattisgarh in-charge Om Mathur, Union Ministers Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, Arjun Ram Meghwal, Kailash Choudhary, Government Whip in Assembly Jogeshwar Garg, former State President Satish Poonia, former Leader of Opposition. Many other leaders including Rajendra Rathore were present.
But former Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje did not attend this meeting. This is the third time since BJP’s victory in Rajasthan and the swearing in of Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma, that Vasundhara Raje did not attend the party meeting, Council of Ministers swearing in ceremony.
After Vasundhara Raje did not attend the party meeting, the question has started arising whether Vasundhara Raje is angry with BJP? Is there any factionalism going on in Rajasthan BJP? These questions regarding Vasundhara’s absence are also being raised because the former CM had also avoided PM Modi’s meeting.
Let us tell you that on January 5, when PM Modi had reached Jaipur to attend the IG-DG conference, as soon as he reached Jaipur, he had a meeting with the newly elected MLAs and party officials for two and a half hours in the party office. But Vasundhara Raje did not attend this meeting also. Vasundhara Raje’s participation in PM Modi’s first meeting held at Jaipur BJP office. Urban Development and Self-Government Minister Jhabar Singh said that all the ministers, MLAs and party officials were present in the meeting but due to family reasons, Vasundhara Raje was not present in the meeting. When Minister Jhabar Singh was asked about Vasundhara not attending, he said that she could not come due to some family reasons.
In this situation, it appears that family reasons have been held responsible for Vasundhara Raje not attending the meeting held in Jaipur on Friday. It is being told that due to ill health of his daughter-in-law, she could not come to the meeting. But Vasundhara’s absence from three big occasions points towards factionalism and infighting in the BJP. However, this is an issue on which no one can say anything. Now it has to be seen when Vasundhara returns to her old role or her words spoken jokingly in Jhalawar, it is now time for my retirement.